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Managing Difficult Conversations (PDMDC)

  • Length 1 day
Course overview
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Why study this course

Managers, team members, owners, and employees need to conduct difficult conversations at some time or another. Although difficult conversations cannot be avoided, they can be successfully managed to achieve positive outcomes.

Understanding, empathy, and emotional intelligence skills development are necessary qualities that help you control difficult conversations before, during, and after they occur, so that you can achieve the desired outcome. Participants will be taught how to develop an understanding of where, when, why, and how to conduct difficult conversations. Giving critical feedback or dealing with highly emotional staff can be a challenge, so this course is designed to help you gain not only the skills, but the confidence to manage them appropriately.

This highly valuable and engaging course empowers professionals to handle difficult conversations with ease to achieve professional success. These are necessary skills in the management of human resources, handling of irate customers, and team management.

This course is delivered in partnership with PD Training.

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What you’ll learn

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Predict the results of a conversation

  • Establish the intent of a conversation

  • Identify the desired outcome

  • Manage their body language

  • Speak persuasively

  • Listen actively

  • Use probing techniques

  • Ask the right questions at the right time

  • Establish the purpose of a difficult conversation

  • Create a conversation template

  • Create a personalised action plan

  • Use communication skills to influence and control

  • Maintain safety in a conversation

  • Choose an appropriate place for a conversation

  • Understand and analyse the other person

  • Stay in control of the conversation throughout

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PD Training at Lumify Work

PD Training is Australia's leading provider of professional development training, cutting edge psychometric profiling and HR services. They help companies provide training and development to their staff that is on-target, fun, retained, and achieves their goals.
Lumify Work partners with PD Training to offer an extensive range of Professional Development training and short courses, through a network of over 400 specialist trainers.

Who is the course for?

This is a practical class that is suitable for all audiences, and provides participants with tools they can apply on-the-job (and in other contexts) the very next day.

Course subjects

Lesson 1: Introduction

  • Icebreaker

  • The Parking Lot

  • Workshop Objectives

Lesson 2: Choosing to Have the Conversation

  • Considering the Consequences

  • Establishing Your Frame of Reference

  • Establishing Positive Intent

  • Identifying the Desired Outcome

Lesson 3: Toolkit for Successful Conversations

  • Managing Your Body Language

  • Speaking Persuasively

  • Active Listening

  • Asking Questions

  • Probing Techniques

Lesson 4: Choosing the Time and Place

  • Weighing Urgency

  • Privacy

  • Consideration

  • Transparency and Presence of Third Parties

Lesson 5: Framework for Difficult Conversations

  • What’s Your Purpose?

  • Steps for a Difficult Conversation

  • Creating a Conversation Template

Lesson 6: Staying Safe

  • Anticipating Conflict

  • Mutual Respect

  • Common Ground

  • Staying in Control

  • When to Walk Away

  • When Things Don't Work

Lesson 7: Testing the Waters

  • Practice and Review in Class

Lesson 8: Wrap Up

  • Course Review

  • Action Plan




Lumify Work offers training through our partnership with PD Training. This arrangement requires Lumify Work to provide your details to PD Training for course and/or exam registration purposes.

Terms & Conditions

The supply of this course by Lumify Work is governed by the booking terms and conditions. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before enrolling in this course, as enrolment in the course is conditional on acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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