Course subjects
1. Course Introduction
2. Introduction to vRealize Operations
3. vRealize Operations Concepts
Identify the product UI components
Create and use tags to group objects
Use a custom group to group objects
4. vRealize Operations Policies
5. Capacity Optimisation
Define the capacity planning terms
Explain the capacity planning models
Assess the overall capacity of a data center and identify the optimisation recommendations
6. Costing in vRealize Operations
7. Performance Optimisation
Introduction to performance optimisation
Define the business and operational intentions for a data center
Automate the process of optimising and balancing workloads in data centers
Report the results of the optimisation potential
8. Troubleshooting and Managing Configuration
Describe the troubleshooting workbench
Recognise how to troubleshoot problems by monitoring alerts
Use step-by-step workflows to troubleshoot the vSphere objects
Assess your environment’s compliance to standards
View the configurations of the vSphere objects in your environment
9. Operating System and Application Monitoring
Describe the native service discovery and application monitoring features
Configure the application monitoring
Monitor the operating systems and applications
10. Managing a vRealize Operations Deployment
Monitor the health of a vRealize Operations cluster
Generate a support bundle
View the vRealize Operations log files and audit reports
Perform the vRealize Operations cluster management tasks