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Gain the confidence you need to resolve a point of difference, or the advantage in the outcome of a discussion, produce an agreement upon future courses of action, or bargain for individual or collective advantage.
Negotiation is a process which can lead to positive outcomes and develop relationships, but it does require training and practice to perfect. This course provides you with practical negotiation techniques applicable to negotiation in many contexts and situations. The course is run like a workshop where you are given some theory, then work in pairs or small teams to prepare for negotiations that are relevant to your needs.
You will learn the theories of successful negotiation and get the opportunity to apply them to scenarios that reflect your specific needs. Learn key skills like how to lay the groundwork for a successful negotiation outcome, choosing preferred locations, identifying the key points you're willing to concede, and when to walk away from the bargaining table.
This highly interactive, learner-focused Negotiation Skills Training Course will arm you and your team with winning negotiation skills and tactics, so you feel better prepared, more confident and have greater control during the negotiation process.
This course is delivered in partnership with PD Training.