Course subjects
Deciding to Engage in the Conversation
The first step in managing a difficult conversation, even if it happens unexpectedly, is to assess the potential outcomes and determine whether the conversation is worth having. This session will guide participants in evaluating the possible consequences, exploring their frame of reference, establishing a positive intent, and identifying what they wish to achieve from the conversation.
Tools for Effective Conversations
Successful conversations rely heavily on strong communication skills. In this session, participants will learn techniques for managing their body language, speaking persuasively, actively listening, asking insightful questions, and applying probing techniques.
Selecting the Right Time and Place
Participants will receive advice on how to choose an appropriate time and location for a difficult conversation, when they have control over these factors.
Framework for Handling Tough Conversations
Participants will be introduced to a seven-step framework specifically designed for managing difficult conversations. They will also work on creating a customised template to aid in planning future discussions.
Ensuring Personal Safety
This session will teach participants how to navigate conversations that may pose a risk to their safety, offering strategies to remain secure during such exchanges.
Role-Playing Scenarios
To conclude the workshop, participants will engage in role-play exercises, practising how to manage a difficult conversation they have recently encountered.
Workshop Wrap-Up
At the end of the day, participants will have the opportunity to ask any lingering questions and develop an actionable plan to implement the skills they’ve learned.