Course subjects
Lesson 1: The effective PA
Lesson 2: Your winning style and how best to communicate with your manager
Lesson 3: Set up for success
Lesson 4: Working in sync
Email management
Email etiquette
Create the email however direct replies to someone else
Manage your inbox
Follow the READ principle and stay on top of your email
Manage your inbox with flags and rules
Lesson 5: Time management
Lesson 6: Prioritisation to keep you on track
That’s a WRAP - getting it all done on time
WRAP technique
Ranking priorities
Anticipating time for tasks - using PERT
Beyond goal setting
The SMARTR Framework
Writing SMARTR goals
SMARTR goal template
Additional tips
Goals deconstructed
Reconstruct your SMART goal
Lesson 7: Meetings to run without a hitch!
Meeting checklist
Meeting checklist template
Agenda creation
Meeting agenda template
Keep the meeting on time - planned time interrupters
Minute-taking that you can understand
Composing your minutes
What can you do to help yourself?
Lesson 8: Reflections
Create an Action Plan
Accountability = action