Course subjects
Module 1: Introduction to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Advanced Config, Redundancy, and Scalability
Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Redundancy and Scalability
StoreFront and NetScaler Gateway
Site Infrastructure Redundancy and Scalability
Machines Running the Virtual Delivery Agent
Module 2: Manage CVAD Multiple Locations
VDA Registration in a Multi-Zone Environment
Zone Preference
Optimal Gateway Routing and Zones
StoreFront Resource Aggregation
Managing StoreFront Store Subscriptions in a Multi-Location Environment
Module 3: Backups and Disaster Recovery
Module 4: Advanced Authentication Methods
Module 5: App and Data Security
Introduction to Application Security
Preventing Jailbreak Attacks
Minimising the Impact of Attacks
Module 6: Secure VDAs
Module 7: Introduction to Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Methodology
Resource Tools and Utilities
Introduction to PowerShell
Module 8: Troubleshoot Access Issues
Troubleshooting StoreFront
Troubleshooting NetScaler Gateway
Troubleshooting Access and Authentication
Troubleshooting App/Desktop Launch
Module 9: Troubleshoot Delivery Controller Issues
Module 10: Troubleshoot Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) Registration Issues
Module 11: Troubleshoot HDX Connection Issues
Module 12: Intro to App Layering and Architecture Overview
Module 13: OS Layers
Module 14: Platform Layers
Module 15: App Layers
Module 16: Elastic App Layers and User Layers
Elastic App Layers
User Layers
Module 17: Deploy a Layered Image
Module 18: Layer Priority and Maintaining an App Layering Environment
Module 19: Intro to WEM and Architecture Components
WEM Features and Benefits
WEM On-Premises Components and Deployments
WEM Service Components and Deployments
WEM Component Communication Workflows
WEM Service Component Communication Workflows
Module 20: WEM Deployment Install
On-premises WEM: Leading Practice Installation Prerequisites and Steps
Creating the WEM Database
Running the WEM Infrastructure Service Configuration Utility
WEM On-Premises vs WEM Service
WEM Service: Leading Practice Installation Prerequisites and Steps
ADMX Template Configuration
WEM Agent Installation
Module 21: WEM Consoles and Initial Setup
Module 22: WEM System and Log On Optimisation
WEM System Optimisation Overview
WEM CPU Management
WEM Memory Management
Additional System Optimisation Features
WEM Log On Optimisation Overview
WEM Assigned Actions
WEM Environmental Settings
Citrix Profile Management In WEM
Module 23: WEM Security and Lockdown Features
Module 24: Planning - The WEM Agent
Module 25: WEM Monitoring, Reporting, and Troubleshooting
WEM Monitoring and Reporting
WEM On-Premises Troubleshooting
WEM Service Troubleshooting
WEM Agent Troubleshooting
Module 26: Upgrading WEM and Migration to WEM Service