Our goal is to make it easy for you and your teams to get access to the best learning solutions. Wherever you are, Lumify Work is local to you.
We have ten fully equipped training campuses (with 90 classrooms) located in key business centres around Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. If time or distance prevents you from coming to us, we can train your team on your premises or deliver state-of-the-art remote instructor-led training. Full HD video and audio creates a virtual classroom experience and access to our expert instructors.
Wherever you do business in Australia and the broader Asia Pacific region, Lumify Work is getting more local to you every day.
Delivery modalities provided by Lumify Work include:
Traditional In-person Delivery
Campus Access, Remote Trainer
Partner Venue
Online/Self-paced learning
Blended learning
To be confirmed
For more information or to request a demonstration of Lumify Anywhere, contact our Customer Experience Team or your Account Manager on 1800 853 276 or email [email protected].