The deadline for Software Assurance Vouchers (SATVs) is near. Our Strategic Alliances Director, Gary Duffield, explains a little about the history of Software Assurance Training Vouchers (SATVs), and where they’re heading.
Why you need to plan now to ensure you get what you paid for.
A little history: For more years than I can remember, I co-wrote and delivered the first Microsoft Sales Specialist training, it was all NT4 and SNA Server back then. There was a half a day on Microsoft licensing. I must have trained 500 partners on how to license an MS solution, how to sell Enterprise Agreements and how to add Software Assurance. Back then, Software Assurance was a simple device. Pay a fee and get upgraded protection. So, if you deployed under your Enterprise Agreement NT 3.51, you could get NT 4 “free”. But what if there were no software upgrades? Well, that didn’t matter as the client also got Software Assurance Training Vouchers (SATVs), a way to get high-quality training from a Microsoft Learning Partner. For free.
Spring forward to today: Software Assurance is a Volume Licensing Program that includes a number of benefits, including SATVs. Each SATV can be redeemed for a single day of technical training from Lumify Work. Most of the Technical courses are eligible. Lumify Work has been working with organisations to ensure they get maximum value from their investment in Microsoft technology, in fact, we won the Global Learning Award in 2016 on the back of a project that saw us redeem every SATV in the Western Australian Government. But the market has changed. The big software drops from NT 4 to Server 2000 are almost confined to history. Azure, 365, even Windows 10, are evergreen – you won’t put a floppy disk in your cloud and run upgradeAzure.exe.
Here is what you need to know:
Deployment Planning Services remove the cloud eligibility first, on 1st February 2020
SATV redemption for Azure training retired on 1st February 2020
Applicable volume licensing agreements signed on or after 1st February are eligible for SATVs
From 1st July 2021, no new vouchers can be created or assigned
SATV retires completely on 1st January 2022 – all training must be completed by this date
Here is what you need to do (subject to Microsoft not changing the terms/date):
Check to see if your organisation has Software Assurance and SATVs
Speak to your benefits administrator to see how many are outstanding
Work with Lumify Work to make sure you get what you have already paid for
Make sure you have assigned any remaining vouchers by 1st July 2021 with a training plan to assure they are consumed before 1st January 2022
For example:
If you have any SATVs remaining, you have from today to 1st July 2021 to get them locked in. After this date, they can no longer be created or assigned.
Once a voucher has been assigned, all training must be undertaken before 1st January 2022. Lumify Work will do its best to accommodate any changes made from 1st July until SATVs retire but be aware, changes may not be possible.
Goodbye SATV, hello ESI!
While SATVs have been a valuable source of training for many organisations since their inception in 1990, in the modern cloud world, they are not aligned to modern business. Lumify Work is delighted to participate in Microsoft’s Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI) to help skill eligible organisations. Make Lumify Work your ESI Learning Partner of choice.
To book your training, contact 1800 853 276 or email [email protected].