Course subjects
1. Course Introduction
2. VMware Aria Automation Overview and Architecture
Describe the purpose and functionality of VMware Aria Automation\
Identify the key services offered by VMware Aria Automation
Describe the VMware Aria Automation architecture
Describe the use of VMware Workspace ONE Access™
Describe the relationship between Kubernetes clusters, container, and VMware Aria Automation services
3. Installing VMware Aria Automation
List the different VMware Aria Automation deployment types
Describe the purpose of Easy Installer
Describe the VMware Aria Automation installation process
4. Authentication and Authorisation
Identify the steps to integrating Workspace ONE® Access with Active Directory
Describe the features of Workspace ONE Access
Describe the user roles available in VMware Aria Automation
Identify the key tasks performed by each user role
Define custom roles
Configure branding and multitenancy
5. Basic Initial Configuration
List the VMware Aria Automation basic configuration steps for creating and deploying a VMware Aria Automation template
Create a basic configuration with a cloud account, cloud zone, project, flavor mapping, and image mapping
6. VMware Aria Automation Templates
Configure and deploy a basic VMware Aria Automation template
Create a VMware Aria Automation template that can run on any cloud
Use cloudConfig and cloudbase-init to run commands, create users, and install software
Use YAML for inputs, variables, and conditional deployments
7. Using VMware Aria Automation Tags
8. Configuring Storage in VMware Aria Automation
9. Integrating NSX With VMware Aria Automation
List the capabilities and use cases of NSX
Describe the NSX architecture and components
Integrate NSX with VMware Aria Automation
List the supported network profiles in VMware Aria Automation
Use the NSX components to design a multitier application with VMware Aria Automation Templates
Identify the network and security options available in design canvas
Create and manage on-demand networks and security groups
Configure NSX Day 2 actions
10. Integrating VMware Aria Automation with Cloud Systems
Configure and use VMware Cloud Foundation® accounts
Configure and use a VMware® Cloud Director™ account
Configure and use an AWS cloud account
Configure and use an Azure cloud account
Configure and use a Google Cloud Platform cloud account
11. Using VMware Aria Automation Service Broker
Release a VMware Aria Automation template
Define content source and content sharing
Define VMware Aria Automation policy enforcement
Use custom forms for catalog items
12. VMware Aria Automation Extensibility
13. Integration with Kubernetes
Explore Kubernetes integration
Describe a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster deployment
Connect to an existing Kubernetes cluster
Create a VMware Aria Automation template with Kubernetes components
14. Introduction to VMware Aria Automation Config
Describe VMware Aria Automation Config
Use VMware Aria Automation Config for software deployment
Use VMware Aria Automation Config for configuration management
Use VMware Aria Automation Config with eventdriven orchestration
15. Troubleshooting and Integration with VMware Aria Suite
Demonstrate how to monitor deployment history
Demonstrate basic troubleshooting
Execute CLI commands
Explain how to collect logs
Describe integration with VMware® Aria Operations™ for Logs
Describe integration with VMware Aria Operations