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Stress Management (PDSM)

  • Length 1 day
  • Price  $770 inc GST
Course overview
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Why study this course

This workshop teaches participants how to slow down and apply techniques like the three-option method for addressing any stressful situation (Altering, Avoiding, Accepting), as well as providing a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, the use of planning and lists, implementing a stress log system, and more.

There are numerous causes of stress in our lives; many of which cannot be avoided or removed. The short-term goal of this course is to learn to reduce stress wherever possible with a long-term goal of increasing your ability to better manage yourself in stressful situations.

This course teaches you key skills and techniques like how to manage stress when it occurs, implementing relaxation techniques, identifying and avoiding stressful situations, coping with setbacks, accepting situations and altering circumstances and more. Effective stress management leads to better health, greater productivity and ultimately a better quality of life.

This course is delivered in partnership with PD Training.

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What you’ll learn

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Master the three "A's" of a stressful situation: Alter, Avoid, Accept

  • Learn what lifestyle elements can be changed to reduce stress

  • Use routines to reduce stress

  • Create plans and To-Do lists

  • Learn environmental & physical relaxation techniques

  • Learn how to cope with major events

  • Learn how to use a stress log to identify stressors & create a plan to reduce or eliminate them

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PD Training at Lumify Work

PD Training is Australia's leading provider of professional development training, cutting edge psychometric profiling and HR services. They help companies provide training and development to their staff that is on-target, fun, retained, and achieves their goals.
Lumify Work partners with PD Training to offer an extensive range of Professional Development training and short courses, through a network of over 400 specialist trainers.

Who is the course for?

This is a practical class that is suitable for all audiences, and provides participants with tools they can apply on-the-job (and in other contexts) the very next day.

Course subjects

Lesson 1: Getting Started 

  • Pre-Assignment Review

  • Workshop Objectives

Lesson 2: Understanding Stress 

  • What is Stress?

  • What is Eustress?

  • Understanding the 'Triple A' approach

Lesson 3: Creating a Stress-Reducing Lifestyle 

  • Eating properly

  • Exercising regularly

  • Sleeping well

Lesson 4: Altering the Situation 

  • The First 'A'

  • Identifying appropriate situations

  • Creating effective actions

Lesson 5: Avoiding the Situation 

  • The Second 'A'

  • Identifying appropriate situations

  • Creating effective actions

Lesson 6: Accepting the Situation 

  • The Third 'A'

  • Identifying appropriate situations

  • Creating effective actions

Lesson 7: Using Routines to Reduce Stress 

  • Planning meals

  • Organising chores

  • Using a To-Do list

Lesson 8: Environmental Relaxation Techniques 

  • Finding a sanctuary

  • Using music

  • Seeing the humour

Lesson 9: Physical Relaxation Techniques 

  • Soothing stretches

  • Deep breathing

  • Tensing and relaxing

  • Medication

Lesson 10: Coping with Major Events 

  • Establishing a support system

  • Creating a plan

  • Knowing when to seek help

Lesson 11: Our Challenge to You 

  • Creating a stress log

  • Week One: recording events

  • Week Two: identifying stressors and creating a plan

  • Week Three: creating new habits

  • Reviewing and evaluating

Lesson 12: Wrapping Up 

  • Words from the Wise

  • Action Plans




Lumify Work offers training through our partnership with PD Training. This arrangement requires Lumify Work to provide your details to PD Training for course and/or exam registration purposes.

Terms & Conditions

The supply of this course by Lumify Work is governed by the booking terms and conditions. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before enrolling in this course, as enrolment in the course is conditional on acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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