Perhaps you use Windows PowerShell daily but don’t really know what’s happening; for example, if you’re running someone else’s scripts. Perhaps you are like many of us and find scripts on the internet and modify them to suit your needs, but don’t really understand what certain components are doing. Perhaps you just want to do a few ad-hoc daily tasks more efficiently with task automation for Windows Server management or Microsoft Exchange Server maintenance. Or perhaps you're looking to start your PowerShell journey to master this versatile scripting language and automate tasks.
This one-day workshop will demystify PowerShell and take away some of the fear and mystery for those new to PowerShell. It will look at the hows and whys of the components of PowerShell and how to use the inbuilt self-discovery features to write PowerShell scripts.
This workshop is not intended for experienced PowerShell users. “Deep dive” courses, potentially covering configuration management and automating tasks with PowerShell, may be offered in the future.