Cyber-attacks are happening every day; this is nothing new however with employees and businesses alike having to adapt to the new norm of working from home for the foreseeable future, attackers will be looking to take advantage of the situation to exploit vulnerabilities which unfortunately include employees.

Believe it or not, many organisations don’t have any sort of cyber security policy in place and when (not if) an attack occurs, there is the real threat that along with the cost you in time and money spent to rectify the breach, it also has the potential to damage your reputation which you have worked hard to build. It’s only a matter of time before your organisation will be targeted so what can you do to prevent this?

There are many ways a business could be compromised and it’s vital that all employees from frontline workers all the way up to the executive level are provided with training on what these are modify their behaviours and remain vigilant to these threats.

Businesses are very good at running fire drills, having regular OH&S training and other company related training but how often do we talk about or provide training on security and best practice to our employees?

Employees are already the weakest link in any businesses cyber defence and there are plenty of bad individuals out there ready to exploit these weaknesses thanks to a basic lack of knowledge or training to help workers remain vigilant especially in this brave new world of the ‘remote worker’.

So how can you train all employees to be vigilant to threats while performing their daily tasks?

Lumify Work can help you with a training solution called RESILIA Frontline that provides a mix of training formats, including eLearning, games and animations, audio stories, posters and PDFs to help your staff learn in a fun way how to be vigilant.

Its flexibility allows you to design compelling, personalised training campaigns suited to your organisation and your requirements and the best news is it can be done completely remotely on the users own device. This means no scheduled classes or arranging dedicated training time. Your employees can do it anytime, anywhere at their own pace

The Learning programme is available as four main learning pathways:

Managing Online Risk: Avoid phishing and social engineering attacks to help keep sensitive information secure. Understand the online risks and what you can do to avoid being successfully attacked

Keeping Safe Online: Online services are used by most of us for business and personal use. Understand what online risks you face and what sensible precautions will help keep you safe online.

Protecting Information: Information is precious and critical to both individuals and organisations. Understand what the risks are when handling information and how best you can protect it.

Safe Device Use: Devices provide access to information and services whenever we need. Understand the risks to devices and how to keep them well protected to limit unauthorised access.

From enterprise corporations and small to medium sized businesses to public sector bodies, RESILIA Frontline is helping to provide effective cyber security awareness training to enable employees to make the right decisions, at the right time.

Start your employee security training today to remain vigilant tomorrow.

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